Monday, September 30, 2019

Photography History in the News Essay

Over two centuries, civilizations have used print media to spread news and information to the masses. During a period of time around 59 B.C the Roman Acta Diurna, is the earliest recorded â€Å"newspaper†. Julius Caesar, wanting to inform the public about important social and political happenings, ordered upcoming events posted in major cities. Written on large white boards and displayed in popular places like the Baths, the Acta kept citizens informed about government scandals, military campaigns, trials and executions. In 8th century China, the first newspapers appeared as hand-written newssheets in Beijing. In the year 1969 extraordinary activity in the exhibition field vied with the introduction of new products and it called as photographic year. The year’s largest display both of products and pictures was held at the nine-day Photo Expo 69, which filled all four exhibition floors of the New York Coliseum and drew a total of nearly 100,000 visitors. More than 3,000 black-and-white and color photographs by amateurs and professionals were displayed, and individual exhibits covered space photography and other specialized fields. Supplementing the print shows were a number of temporary theaters for slides and movies which reflected the newest ideas in the presentation of these media. Among other shows that attracted attention and drew visitors was ‘600 Faces by Beaton, 1928-1969,’ originally exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in London and shown in the United States at the Museum of the City of New York. It was the largest one-man show (and the only one-man show of British photographer and designer Cecil Beaton) ever held in New York, and it contained portraits of many of the outstanding personalities of the past four decades. Later on, photojournalism was introduced to accompany the written information, because photojournalism has unique power to fix events, places and human in our collective history. But before we move on further, let us try to determine first what is photograph? A photograph is a picture produce through the chemical action of light on sensitive film. It is a medium of recording reality that is iconic as well as indexical. Although a photograph resembles or imitates something, making it iconic, it achieves this through the use of light from the subject, therefore making it less arbitrary. However, a photograph is a representation of a particular moment and situation in time. Barthes expressed his view that a newspaper photograph is, ‘an object that has been worked on, chosen, composed, constructed, treated according to professional, aesthetic or ideological norms which are so many factors of connotation.’(cited in Bagnell, 1977: p.98). Traveling photographic exhibits visited many cities in the United States, Canada, and Latin America during the year. Among the exhibits sponsored by the George Eastman House, the museum of photography at Rochester, N.Y., were ‘Contemporary Photographers,’ a multipart exhibition; a retrospective of the work of Eugà ¨ne Atget, a French photographer active in the early part of the century; and ‘Photography in the Twentieth Century.’ The Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C., sent out several traveling shows, which included ‘Australia—The Sunburnt Country,’ ‘The Color of Man,’ ‘The Concerned Photographer,’ and ‘Laos.’ The technological revolution of today is creating new challenges and opportunities for traditional media. Today books, newspapers, magazines and any other forms of media is really using photograph to illustrate or to picture out the of   they mean in their written information. Literature Cited Newspaper the History.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Impulsive Buying Essay

Impulsive consumer behavior is widely recognized nowadays. Impulse buying accounts for almost 80% of purchases in some product categories and shopping is a major leisure and lifestyle activity in many countries (Kacen & Lee 2002). Impulsive buying generates over $4 billion of annual sales in the United States. Impulsive consumer buying behavior is regarded as a hedonically complex purchase behavior in which the thoughtful, deliberate consideration of all information and choice alternatives is precluded. It has been suggested that purchases of new products result more and more from impulsive buying rather than planned purchases. Furthermore, the globalization in the expression of technologies, telemarketing and the internet increases the consumer impulsive buying opportunities. Impulse buying is a pervasive and distinctive aspect of the consumer’s lifestyle and is also a focal point for considerable marketing management activity. A study conducted some decades ago found that between 27 and 62 percent of consumer’s department store purchases fell into the impulse category. Also the century we live in and the marketing innovations such as credit cards, ‘instant credit’, 24-hour retailing, telemarketing and online shopping make it now easier than ever for the consumers to purchase things on impulse. The attempts by researchers to find a clear definition of a phenomenon that cannot be solely described as unplanned behavior and the opportunity to examine the factors that intervene in its expression was the motivation for this thesis. Furthermore, the history of associating impulsiveness with human weakness and the psychologists and economists’ focus on the ‘irrational’ aspects of such behavior sparks the interest into the topic and uncovers the potential for further research in the field. It is also interesting that the factors that are linked to impulsive buying are also likely to be influenced by culture. Theoretical Framework The understanding of the concept was greatly improved by Stern (1962). Pure impulse purchasing occurs when consumers experience truly impulsive buying, the novelty or escape purchase which breaks a normal buying pattern. His conceptualization was based on the premise that impulsive buying can be pure, planned, reminder and suggestion, and is linked to consumer’s exposure to stimulus. Kollat and Willet (1969) interchangeably used â€Å"unplanned† and â€Å"impulsive† purchasing. Rook and Hoch (1985) focused attention on the cognitive and emotional aspect of consumer’s involvement in impulsive purchasing. The construction of the phenomenon’s definition was resting on consumers’ descriptions of thoughts and emotions experienced during impulse purchasing situations. They came up with 5 distinctive elements that draw the difference between impulsive and planned purchases: (1) feeling a â€Å"sudden and spontaneous desire to act†; (2) being in a â€Å"state of psychological disequilibrium†; (3) experiencing a â€Å"psychological conflict and struggle†; (4) reducing â€Å"cognitive evaluation†; (5) consuming â€Å"without regard for the consequences†. Summarizing the five dimensions, Rook (1987) identified impulsive purchasing as a â€Å"sudden, often powerful and persistent urge to buy something immediately. It is a hedonically complex and emotionally conflicting behavior which is prone to occur with diminished regard for its consequences.† As it can be seen, a shift in the elements comprising the definitions can be observed. Piron (1991) offers a new definition as an answer to his critique of the previous attempt for definition: impulse purchasing is (1) unplanned, (2) the result of an exposure to a stimulus, (3) decided â€Å"on the spot†. Kacen and Lee (2002) define the concept as â€Å"unplanned purchase† that is characterized by (1) relatively rapid decision-making, and (2) a subjective bias in favor of immediate possession. They further contributed with their work by investigating how cultural factors affect impulsive buying which gains better insights about understanding the phenomenon. The authors’ research makes a contribution in recognizing that understanding impulse buying solely on a Western point of view is incomplete. The Western-individualist emphasis on the self, individual needs and desires, and hedonistic pleasures encourages impulsive buying behavior. The Eastern-collectivist notions of the self, the interdependence, emotional control, emphasis on group needs and desires would discourage impulsive buying. Emotions Emotions being the main driver of impulsive buying behavior have been the subject of debates in terms of terminology. Scientists use the term affect as a general category that encompasses emotions, moods and attitudes. The mental state of readiness that arises from cognitive appraisals of events or thoughts is what characterizes emotions. The line between emotions and mood is difficult to be drawn. It is often said that mood is longer lasting and lower in intensity than an emotion. Other researches add to this that emotions are typically intentional while mood is generally non-intentional and global. Attitudes are often considered instances of affect. Some authors define them as evaluative judgments rather than emotional states. Others make no distinction between evaluative judgments and affect. Still others propose that attitudes have two components: cognitive and affective dimensions. To sum up, the terms emotions, affect, attitudes, moods are all used inconsistently in the literat ure. Rather than focusing on exploring the definitions of impulsive buying behavior, the contribution of this thesis will be to examine the emotional arousal behind the phenomenon and factors moderating people’s inclination to such a type of behavior. This will include interpersonal influence and the presence or lack of self-control. Early research concluded that susceptibility to interpersonal influence is a general trait that varies across persons and occurrences. Further, susceptibility to influence by others is related to personal characteristics. Cox and Bauer (1964) pointed out that people with low self-esteem comply with others’ suggestions in order to avoid social disapproval. Berkowitz & Lundy (1957) also found out that persons who score low in interpersonal confidence ratings are most susceptible to peer influence. Problem statement and research goal Previous research has numerous attempts for giving a clear definition of impulsive buying but somehow the definitions capture different aspects of the phenomenon and fail to address a complete and exact definition. Much of the work on impulsive buying inherently implies negative attributes to the concept. However, once consumers buy products for fun, fantasy, social or emotional gratification, impulsive buying may be viewed as a valued pastime rather than a simple acquisition of goods (Hausman, 2000). Researchers have shown that many factors influence impulsive buying such as consumer’s mood, trait buying impulsiveness, demographic factors, and culture. This study aims at discussing emotions, interpersonal influence and self-control as factors expected t have a substantial influence on consumer’s impulsive purchases. Feelings do predict behavior. So if you are feeling hurt, threatened or bored, what are you likely to do? What about if you are happy or interested? Would you go to the movies, go out with friends or go shopping? What about buying things not intended? To assess how well people control their impulses, regulate emotions, manage performances, maintain self-discipline, and break out of bad habits, is a difficult task. The consumption experience is replete with emotion, often of a high degree of intensity. What has been overlooked is the social aspect of emotions, while most of the research done is concerned with the individual conceptualization of emotions. Emotions are not simply internal events but are communicative acts and are also addressed in the consumption environment of an individual (Parkinson 1996, Bearden 1989). A matter of discussion is how the emotional state of an individual influences his impulsive buying behavior. Whether positive or negative emotions, the two extremes of the emotional state, have a stronger effect has been a matter of debate for a long time among researchers and is still argued. Furthermore, does shopping with others have an impact on impulsive purchases (Luo 2005)? If emotions are social and are expressed in a stronger way when being with a friend or family member, then it can be expected that the tendency to indulge in impulsive purchases will increase. However, another factor also plays a major role in the buyer behavior – self-control. Every individual has a different ability for self-control and self-control failure may be the reason for impulsive purchasing. Can we control our behavior and emotions when we are depressed or when we are happy? Will the presence or lack of self-control evolve into impulsive purchases? The main problem investigated is: * How does the emotional state (positive VS negative emotions) influence impulsive buying behavior? Statement of the Hypothesis H1: More positive emotional state (strong positive emotions and weak negative emotions) can lead to higher impulsive buying behavior. Since emotional experience is taken to be mainly private, emotion communication is seen to depend on prior account on individual emotions. Often, a person’s relationships with others are a central concern of emotions. Given the obvious importance of interpersonal relations that cause emotions, it might seem surprising that psychological research has focused mainly on non-social manipulations in which a single individual is presented with his/her emotional range. Many of the things that get people emotional about relate to other people (Parkinson, 1996). Emotions can feed into the ongoing interpersonal process and cause similar or contrasting emotions in others. H2: The presence of others at the time of purchase has a positive effect on impulsive buying behavior. Shoppers could be often heard to say â€Å"I really shouldn’t†. The prices are high, the budget is tight, and an item is not desperately needed so it seems that a reasonable behavior for the buyer would be not to purchase the item. But there come the alliance of wants, impulses and emotions that all serve to convince the shopper that the item will bring happiness, at least for a while. Thus, the decision in this situation is dependable on the conflict between strengths of self-control and desire. Self-control refers to the self’s capacity to alter its own states and responses (Baumeister, 2002). The ability to maintain self-control and successfully implement long-run decisions depends on the relative strength of the opposing forces of desire and willpower. In psychoanalytic theory, the conflict of desire and willpower is presented as a fluctuation between primary process thinking which is impulse driven, irrational and seeks immediate gratification at any cost, and secondary process thinking which is patient, logical and has the will to postpone gratification for future long-run goals (Loewenstein & Hoch, 1991). State of the Art Related Literature For over fifty years, consumer researchers have strived to form a better definition of impulse buying. Early studies on impulse buying stemmed from managerial and retailer interests. Research in this vein placed its emphasis on the taxonomic approach to classifying products into impulse and non-impulse items in order to facilitate marketing strategies such as point-of-purchase advertising, merchandising, or in-store promotions. This approach is limited by a definitional myopia, which simply equates impulse buying to unplanned purchasing (Bellenger, Robertson, and Hirschman 1978; Kollat and Willet 1967; Stern 1962). Impulse buying generates over $4 billion in annual sales volume in the United States. With the growth of e-commerce and television shopping channels, consumers have easy access to impulse purchasing opportunities, but little is known about this sudden, compelling, hedonically complex purchasing behavior in non-Western cultures. Yet cultural factors moderate many aspects of consumer’s impulsive buying behavior, including self-identity, normative influences, the suppression of emotion, and the postponement of instant gratification. From a multi-country survey of consumers in Australia, United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia, our analyses show that both regional level factors (individualism–collectivism) and individual cultural difference factors (independent –interdependent self-concept) systematically influence impulsive purchasing behavior. (Julie Anne Lee, Department of Marketing, University of Hawaii–Manoa) According to Jacqueline J. Kacen, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Impulsive consumer buying behavior is a widely recognized phenomenon in the United States.It accountsfor up to 80% of all purchases in certain product categories (Abrahams, 1997;Smith, 1996), and it has been suggested that purchases of new products result more from impulse purchasing than from prior planning (Sfiligoj, 1996). A 1997 study found that an estimated $4.2 billion annual store volume was generated by impulse sales of items such as candy and magazines (Mogelonsky, 1998). Paco Underhill, author of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping (1999), affirms that many purchases are being made on the premises of stores themselves as customers give in to their impulses. Furthermore, technologies such as television shopping channels and the Internet expand consumers’ impulse purchasing opportunities, increasing both the accessibility to products and services and the ease with which impulse purchases can be made.Impulsive buying behavior is a sudden, compelling,hedonically complex purchasing behavior in which the rapidity of the impulse purchase decision process precludes thoughtful, deliberate consideration of all information and choice alternatives (Bayley & Nancorrow, 1998; Rook 1987;Thompson, Locander, & Pollio, 1990;Weinberg &Gottwald,1982). This description is largely based on interviews and surveys of Westerners.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Group dynamics in The Breakfast Club Essay

Whether groups are formed for social or task oriented purposes, the ability to produce and maintain a sense of affiliation, peer support and collaboration is important for overall group functioning. The cohesion of a social group is produced through the establishment of a set of group norms, which are later defined as a guide for conduct accepted within a group of individuals. However, in order for a group to perform and produce results, the team leader should guide his/her team through the proper stages of group development, which includes the following steps: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Although teams should follow all these stages of group development, the forming and the norming stages are the most important, since these develop and foster the development of the group norm which prevents segregation within a group. In addition, an autocratic leadership style, which is a very authoritative method is useful in cohering a poorly organized group, especially a group of young high school students as in the movie, The Breakfast Club. The first stage of group development is the forming stage. Forming is when members get to know each other and find common ground, while the group leader provides structure, direction and ground rules. For example, in the movie, The Breakfast Club, the forming stage was the point at which students were forced into a group during detention, which provided structure and rules and allowed individuals to become familiar with one another. The second stage in group development is the storming phase, which usually involves arguments, power struggles, debates and general conflict of interest, often resulting in individuals perceiving such gathering as a waste of time. An example of this stage also seen in the The Breakfast Club is where differing opinions and ideas due to variations in social norms created conflict and arguments within the group. However, if a team leader is able to get past this stage by reminding members of the general goal, group members will begin to work as a team and will move onto the norming stage. At this stage, the group begins to realize the more positive points of individuals within the group, which promotes the development of trust and respect which begins to build group cohesion. The next stage is the performing stage, which is typical of high-performing teams that are able to function as a group and figure out various options to get the job done smoothly and effectively without supervision. The final stage is the adjourning phase, which is the final step in completing tasks  and breaking up the team. The groups that are formed as adolescents often determine group associations as adults and define an individual within their social group that will either set them with or against other groups. This is described in an article on social groupings by Colin Allen, which mentions that our social asso ciations as adolescents are strong indicators to future patterns of social norms as adults. Therefore, the group of students in the movie, The Breakfast Club, can also be extrapolated to adult group dynamics. However, the varying social norms between groups can present conflicts when adults are required to function within a very diverse group of individuals. In The Breakfast Club, the Jock, Geek, Prom Queen, Delinquent, and the Freak groups are brought together initially through an autocratic or directive leadership role, used to bring the group together in order to proceed to the next phase of group development. This stage is particularly important within a group of varying personalities, such as a group of high school students, since it is most often the only way such a diverse group can become familiar with each other. Then through the forming stage, the group members move away from differing group norms, interact and eventually find common ground within the group and establish a unified group norm. The importance of developing a group norm is also illustrated in an experimental study done on group norms and self-aggressive behaviors, which indicated that the establishment of a group norm played a crucial role in the expression of self-inflicted aggression. This tendency to conform to a group norm was shown to influence individual behavior, such as the enhancement of self-image associated with group identification. Therefore, the formation stage in a group process is important, since it develops group norms by requiring the individual to gather data and impressions on similarities and differences within the group and rely on a strong authoritative leader for guidance. The second important stage in group development is the norming stage, which emphasizes interpersonal relations and group cohesion. This is the stage at which the members are actively acknowledging each other through learning about one another and developing group cohesion. Through this stage, individuals begin to share leadership roles and dissolve former cliques and contribute to the overall success of group functioning. This will also increase the sense of group belonging, and individual invested interest in solving any issues within the group. This stage is characterized  by sharing, soliciting information, accepting and finally, providing feedback, and increased creativity. In the film, The Breakfast Club, this stage occurs later when the group has already gone through the forming stage, where the individuals are able to function as a group towards the same goals. In general, if this stage is achieved, members of the group will become more open with each other and information sharing will occur, which will benefit the effectiveness of the group. At this stage a more relaxed leadership style can also be implemented, such as the democratic or laissaize-fair methods. In conclusion, the development of a group who vary in social norms is very dependant on the forming and norming stages, since these steps allow the group to develop a unified group norm. Depending on the characteristics of the group, normally an authoritative style should initially be implemented in order to bring some cohesion to the group. As an example, a group of first year nursing students would benefit from the forming stage, under the direction of an autocratic leadership, since this would offer a solid foundation on which to build a unified group norm. After the group is formed and rules have been learned and accepted by the students, a less authoritative leadership style can be implemented in the norming stage. This will allow students the freedom to learn and explore the field of nursing and develop their individual self-confidence within the field.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inseparability of Markets and Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Inseparability of Markets and Regulations - Essay Example As such, it protects healthcare consumers by ensuring that the services provided to them are satisfactory and efficiently meet their tastes and preferences. Through licensing, the board controls competition and deviant practices within the medical field. It also safeguards consumers’ interests by guaranteeing that medical costs are within the conventional standards and affordable level (Lee, 2009). GCMB has a board of directors that comprises of 15 voting members and an ex-officio chosen by the governor. Its current chair is Richard Weil. Among the 15 voting members, 11 are physicians with Doctor of Medicine grades, 2 are dynamically practicing physicians with Doctor of Physiotherapy degrees, and 2 members are consumer members, who main role is to represent the interests of healthcare consumers (GCMD, 2014). GCMB represents the cultural diversity prevalent in Georgia. The board members are drawn from different regions within the state and represent the various social, economic, and political interests of a diverse population. The board is a fair representation of the community it is serving since it has incorporated the interests of different groups into its mission, goal, and objectives. However, the board still faces a challenge in regulating medical practitioners due to increased misconducts in the medical sector and the diversity of the field of medicine. New trends in medicine have too posted a challenge for GCMB (Lee, 2009). For instance, lethal injection practices and physicians participation in executions have proven to be hard to control. The incentives offered to the board are not enough to finance its activities and the cost of providing the licensing services has upsurge posing a challenge to the relevance of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Environmental Issues Impacting Vietnam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Issues Impacting Vietnam - Essay Example As such, aqua-cultural methods bring about nutrient loading of the so-called â€Å"grow-out† system in which the food leftovers of the aquatic creatures accumulate in the water causing turbidity, eutrophication, and sedimentation. Hazardous levels of dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen from excrements as well as the pharmaceutical and chemical substances used for developing aquaculture further pollute the body of water and are taken in by the fish which, by food chain, are eaten by men.[1] Additionally, when fish become stressed through grow-out settings in an aquaculture, disease and parasites emerge in transmission between organisms and those that escape inefficient net operations threaten to reduce genetic diversity. Because intensive farming is carried out in culturing shrimp, lobster, and catfish, the clearing of natural habits such as mangrove forests is designed to establish more farms and meet the demands of production in vast numbers. This, nevertheless, has led eventua lly to the salinization of aquifers and soils, making the freshwater reserves more saline and thus, not conducive for use in crops, human consumption, and certain industrial functions as they suffer from low freshwater quality and amount. Pertinent environmental agencies (government and non-government) account for recycling of carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other wastewater nutrients into useful feed supplements and fertilizers. This way, loading of nutrients in an aquaculture may be monitored in order for the aquatic environment to remain in equilibrium with the materials that sustain it. Devastation of Forests by Aggressive Human Exploitation The exploitative approach of deforestation constitutes another issue which designates Vietnam at the height of environmental calamity. According to Do Thanh Hai of the Forest Protection and Management Division, â€Å"The illegal exploitation of forests is most common in natural forests, nature reserves and national parks in northern Dien Bien, Bac Kan, Yen Bai, and Lang Son provinces.† There were about 2,400 reported illegal cases of timber trafficking which indicates how substantial the rate of deforestation is as executed by poachers who have had the backing of some local residents despite the presence of the opposing indigenous minorities. [2] Like the rest of the world that has encountered the undesirable impact of denuding forests, Vietnam similarly experiences how the negative aspects of the practice reflect in unhealthy soil composition and lower capacity to resist floods and runoffs that erode soils to abnormal extent. It would take the Vietnamese a great deal of having to remedy global warming since massive logging implies higher concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, given that only a few number of trees are available to absorb of such gases as carbon dioxide (CO2) to sustain their photosynthetic requirements. At anytime, concerned citizens of Vietnam may opt to complain or bring to pu blic notice any poachers / illegal loggers caught in the act. Though no significant efforts have been documented in reference to nationwide protest against deforestation, the Vietnamese may consider engaging more into campaigns that are ‘pro’ to conservation and preservation of forests. They can also think about being actively engaged in tree-planting activities at feasible regions of the country. Large companies that require timber as the main working component or raw material of their business must be encouraged to seek other alternatives so as to minimize the frequent cutting down of trees. Environmental Damage Brought by the Mid-20th Century War Moreover, the environmental ruins of the Indochina war during the period 1962 –

Hydropower in Portugal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hydropower in Portugal - Assignment Example which are running while others are still under construction, are all aimed at enabling the nation to meet its objectives of energy sustainability and European Union’s goals of renewable energy. Evidently, hydropower has impacted Portugal’s social and economic sectors. Expansion of hydropower capacity is secondarily motivated by the economic and social benefits presented by this renewable energy source. First, hydropower is a cheap source of energy, which is instrumental in improving the business favorability of a nation. In addition, projects related to expansion of hydropower capacity across Portugal presents beneficial effects to the nation’s social and environmental sectors. Potential benefits of hydropower are responsible for the government’s active role in expanding the nation’s hydropower capacity. In addition, the potential benefits trigger interest from among communities in Portugal. Technically, development and expansion of hydropower is beneficial to any nation. In 2013, Portugal; a nation with approximately 10.2 million people, relies on electricity as the main source of power. Different methods are used in generating the needed electricity demands within the European nation. Theoretically, all methods of generating electricity are categorized as either renewable or non-renewable methods. Renewable sources of electricity include but not limited to, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy and hydropower (Smith, 2012). Contrarily, examples of non-renewable sources are fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas, and nuclear energy. Currently, 58.3% of electricity power in Portugal comes from renewable sources. The total percentage of all renewable sources in Portugal is derived from multiple sources whereby wind makes up 46.3%, hydropower makes up 41.6% while the rest is evenly distributed among geothermal, solar and biomass energy sources (Renewable Facts, 2011). Technically, Portugal generates 21756 MW of electricity power. 18.79% of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The constitution - Essay Example fectual in running a national government, so a combination of factors further pointed to the need of a stronger government than the articles of confederation provided. Congress could not provide protection for local industries because it did not have the powers, and so America’s manufacturing had failed to grow. Settlers in the west demanded a more aggressive policy on land cessions and wanted more to be done to protect them from Indian attacks2. Merchants wanted a government that could get them advantageous trade agreements abroad. While changing the Articles was not viewed as urgent among the southern and Mid-Atlantic States, their leaders too appreciated that free navigation of the Mississippi River and a solution of the dispute with Spain needed a response from a stronger government. Before the new constitution, only white males who owned property were allowed to vote. The new constitution, however, would allow all citizens to vote. It was also going to abolish slavery, meaning the propertied white would have to find an alternative source of labor3. The preamble of the federal constitution has the words ‘we the people’. These words can be interpreted to be meaning all the citizens of America. This is not true though, what it actually meant is that it excluded slaves, poor white males, women and Native Americans. These groups of people were not allowed to vote, for example. It denied congress the power to abolish the slave trade before 1808. It also required that fugitive slaves should be returned to their masters. The unrepresented groups in the American constitution include the Hawaiians, the Indians and many other ethnic minorities living widely as small minorities. A constitutional republic meant that whereas other people enjoyed the privileges brought about by the new constitution, the unrepresented did not since they were not properly recognized by the constitution. For example, the unrepresented people lost the right of suffrage. Though they

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Violence in hockey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Violence in hockey - Research Paper Example On January 17, 2010, Sunday, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League marked a hideous, aggressive, brutal, and deliberate elbow violently given to head of Mikael Tam of Quebec Ramparts who was smacked down to ice trembling and did not even breathe for 30 seconds. (Mahari, 2010) On January 2, 2009, Whitby Dunlops, a senior AAA hockey player, who was a defenseman, died after going through a severe coma for three weeks in Ontario, Canada. He hit his head on the ice when falling on it in an awkward manner whilst he was engaged in a fight and lost his helmet in a game in December 2008. Hockey is one of the best games but these brutal acts are mitigating its fun. Head shots are basically attacks from one player to another and are just claimed to be part of the game. This discussion has always been part of the sports world and is still prevalent. Players’ helmets’ should be fastened and should be part of safety precaution. (Mahari, 2010) Violence has been part of hockey’s culture for decades now. Fightings have been part of the game and so is approval of â€Å"good penalty†; officers’ disrespect, frightening behavior of players towards each other and anti-social role model behavior have been accepted as well. Why are these well accepted? Why have we made it part of our game and life when these are atrocious acts? (Pascall & White, 2000) As the game’s attractiveness changed over time an augmented exposure for redundant hostility, fighting and violence grew within the game. As an outcome, the cost of violence has been very severe in this sport. There have been incidents of concussion, head injury and spinal disturbance. Athletes are frequently exposed to preventable and less severe injuries. (Pascall & White, 2000) Head shot injuries should either be banned or completely eradicated from the game as a remedy for violence. The British Columbian government is trying to tackle this issue via SPORTSafe Program. This was

Monday, September 23, 2019

Balanced Scorecard and Its Application to Not-For-Profit Organisations Essay

Balanced Scorecard and Its Application to Not-For-Profit Organisations - Essay Example These measures form the framework for the implementation of the strategy. BSC obtained its name from the attempt to balance both financial and nonfinancial performance measures. While traditional approaches to strategy focused on the financial aspect of the business the balanced scorecard looks at both the financial and non-financial aspects of the organisation. Finkler (2010, p. 299) indicates that the balance scorecard approach monitors how well the organisation is achieving its goals based on four critical perspectives: financial perspective; customer perspective; internal business perspective; and learning and growth perspective. Olve and Sjostrand (2006, p. 1) indicates that a good scorecard documents a strategic logic which represents a cause and effect relationship between current activities and long-term performance. Critical Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard and its Development The concept of a balanced scorecard can be traced to various sources including Peter Druckerâ⠂¬â„¢s â€Å"management by objectives† (Balanced Scorecard Review n.db). It has evolved from being a performance management tool in 1992 to being a strategic performance management system in 1996 (Balanced Scorecard Review n.da). ... In 2010 it developed a new emphasis in order to facilitate closer integration with organisational systems and capabilities such as Enterprise Risk Management. This development has indeed resulted in an increase in its scope to make it more applicable to all organisations including not-for-profit organisations. However, it has been criticised for not having a perspective relating to the environment/impact on the society (Drury 2009). With the impact of climate change, customers are increasingly becoming environmentally aware. Additionally, environmental groups have sought to discourage support of companies that operate in flagrant disregard to the environment. This can lead to a reduction in revenues which organisations seek to protect. Companies that Have Implemented the Balanced Scorecard Model BSC is applicable to all types of organisations. It has been applied successfully to both not-for-profit and profit organisations. Horngren et al (2011) uses a cause-and-effect relationship t o illustrate how Chipset Inc used BSC approach to grow its customer base and its revenues. The company achieved its goals by focusing on key objectives in each of the four dimensions of its scorecard. In the financial perspective Chipset increased income and shareholder value by managing cost and unused capacity; and building strong customer relationships. From the customer perspective Chipset’s increased market share and customer satisfaction was obtained by identifying customers’ future needs and identifying new target-customer segments. In terms of Chipset’s internal business process perspective they improved service response time; manufacturing productivity and quality; reduced delivery time, improved processes and improved manufacturing capability. This was done

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Home School vs Public School Essay Example for Free

Home School vs Public School Essay Have you ever wondered what the difference is between home schooling your children and sending them to a public school? How are there learning environments different and similar? How do they teach the state standards compared to teaching them yourself? What are the disadvantages and advantages of home schooling and public school? Doing the research yourself can be a waste of time sometimes or if you don’t have the time. The learning environment of public school is kind of a hassle. They teach the students as a whole, the students can ask for help if they are having trouble with what they are learning. Also public school pushes the students to do their best in class to make sure that they understand what they are working on. The teachers also allow the student to go to the library to learn more helpful things in life. If they can read on their own why not give them the chance to read as many books as they want and not limit them. Some teachers want to challenge the children in their reading and it also improves your children’s reading score and lets them understand and comprehend more words. Also public school is very good at socializing your children with other children there age and they make friends to play with each other. Home schooling environment is more on the pace of the adult that is teaching the children. The adult also chooses the setting to have the children in, as well as the environment could be in a loud place or a calm relaxing environment. Messing with the environment of the children can make it so that they end up misbehaving and not listening due to them being stressed. Home schooling background also makes it harder to socialize your children to other children there age and you could also cause issues with other children and your children. All schools follow a state standard that all students are supposed to pass without ease. Public schools follow a chart that states what the students need to learn that week, and that is what they should be learning and have it learned by the end of the that lesson week. If any student doesn’t completely understand the lessons that are told to leave the room and to go see a different teacher to have them explain it to them. As well if you were to fall behind in your school work, they normally don’t help you make it up, they will give you at least two days to get the work turned in or it would be counted as incomplete and that would lower your grade. You would have to get the notes from a friend to understand how to do the assignment, also you get a tutor that is easier to come to your home then to school for one on one learning. When you are the one that is teaching and you can teach at your own pace or the pace that your children want to learn the material. If they are grasping the concept very well without any issues then they could move onto a different lesson. As though there are some students that need the special help and you could be on that lesson or that material for a month. As long as you get the lessons for that whole year done then you would be on tract with the lessons. The advantages of a public school is to have some alone time with yourself and to have time away from the children and be able to run errands and go to doctor appointments without the kids. Being able to be alone in the house without children is the best time to clean and complete your grocery shopping. The disadvantages of public school are all the drama that occurs within the walls of the school. The administrators are also sometimes not the best people to have around your children. Sometimes how they treat their students due to them being out of school very often or if they are having a hard time in school and the teacher doesn’t not want to help. The advantages of home schooling would be having more family time and being able to monitor the progress of the children’s learning ability to read and to understand how to comprehend how they solve the work. Also if the child is sick you wouldn’t have to go pick them up from school, they would already be home. You wouldn’t also have to deal with the drama between your children and other children and the teachers. The disadvantages of home schooling is that you would very rarely get time alone without the children and it could stress you out and make you feel like you have been enclosed in a cocoon. Having the ability to send the children off to school and be able to be your own person and not have to listen to the children whine about something and to get them to understand what it is like to be socialized is all beneficial in the end. Having the ability to completely understand the difference between the two different types of schools that are out there to allow your children to go to and them enjoy either choice that you choose. With people having their own opinions about certain schools why not get the information straight from the information and based on what the opinions say. Having the feeling that you did your research and your children are getting the education that you would like them to have it a good feeling. Finding the right reasons and the wrong reasons for sending your children to a school that you have looked at is better than not knowing about it at all.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Irish Writing Nation And Imagination William Butler Yeats English Literature Essay

Irish Writing Nation And Imagination William Butler Yeats English Literature Essay Born William Butler Yeats in 1865, this poet can be regarded as the greatest poet of Irish Literature. As the child of protestant parents, Yeats was brought up in a time of political turmoil, during the rise of Charles Stuart Parnell, the civil war and the Irish Revival. Yeats began his literary livelihood early, at just aged twenty years, when his first work was published. It must be noted that Yeats was an unusual poet, as he defied any common expectations in relation to the climax in a poetic career; unlike many, Yeats career reached its heightened peak late in life, between the ages of 50 and 75. Perhaps due to this unusual aspect of Yeats history as a poet, his poetry evokes a changing nature. Yeats literature oscillates between the 19th and 20th centuries and thus, Yeats can be regarded, stylistically, as quite a unique poet. In the early years of Yeats poetry, he drew heavily upon Irish myth and folklore, while his later work dealt with much more contemporary issues. Yeats work shifts from the heavily ornamental, fantasy-driven early poems to the fascination with Irish myth and legend, which matured into the concerns of the Celtic Revival and the embrace of distinctly Irish culture. As an older but still unmarried man, he became more interested in contemporary social issues, though he never lost sight of the history which informed them. Late in life, his marriage revived his interest in mystical matters, accompanied by a burst in creative imagination, best exemplified by the gyres of A Vision and The Second Coming. (Website 2) Personally, Im someone who likes to resist the notion of dividing Yeats work into categories of early and late poetry. However, I acknowledge that many things have certainly influenced Yeats style and nature as a poet and as a result, upon the examination of the changing nature of his poetry, I find it necessary to do so. As a young poet in the 1880s, Yeats began to write in the romantic style. Such literary pieces followed the structure and conventions of romantic poetry, including rhyming schemes and metric patterns. His poems were lyrical, mystical and romantic in style, and he placed a key emphasis on love, loss and loneliness, and Irish myth and folklore. It could be suggested that his early poetry pieces were odes to the beautiful and mystical land of Ireland. It can be said that there are certain qualities of Yeats poetry which are significant to his early works. During an interview with James Flannery, Flannery expressed his love for the early poems of Yeats with their lyricism, their yearning for transcendence and their deployment of haunting imagery drawn from Celtic folklore as well as mythic and mystical sources and the sheer magic of the music in early Yeats:   the long, wavering breath-lines, the delicately syncopated rhythms, the lingering vowels and consonants, again directly carried over from Gaelic poetry and song.(Website 2) Published in 1893 in Yeats second book of poems The Rose, The Lake Isle of Innisfree is a prime example of this yearning for transcendence. This lyrical poem expresses Yeats desire to escape from the pavements gray and to elope to a small cabin built there. The poet is wistful and passionate as he yearns for escape to this idyllic location and through his use of imagery and tone he suggests this. The sheer music of the tranquil and peaceful hideaway is created by the hexameters which recreate the rhythmic pulse of the tide. (S. notes) The simple imagery of the quiet life the speaker longs to lead, as he enumerates each of its qualities, lulls the reader into his idyllic fantasy, until the penultimate line jolts the speaker-and the reader-back into the reality of his drab urban existence: While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey. (Spark notes) To Yeats, tradition is oral, the continuity of voice from generation to generation (Yeats, Denis Donoghue) Always in his work he sought to recreate the half-conversational quality which was another legacy of the Gaelic tradition in singing, the recitation of poetry and in daily speech.(Web 2) One can clearly see Yeats voice to the ordinary people in an ordinary language in Lake Isle of Innisfree. Yeats, himself, once said, Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. (WB Yeats) The language elicits an almost conversational quality and by using phrases such as I will, I hear, and I stand, the poets explicit thoughts can be understood by the people, even if only the first layer of meaning is understood. Personally, I feel that this is one reason to why Yeats is regarded as one of the greatest Irish poets; his poems appeal to the ordinary. The Second Coming is one of Yeats later poetry works. It was written in 1919 and it deals with the contemporary issues associated with the aftermath of First World War. Yeats believed that art could serve a political function: poems could both critique and comment on political events, as well as educate and inform a population.(Web 1) The Second Coming subtly includes the idea of Irish nationalism. In this poem, a sense of cultural crisis and conflict seeps through, even though the poem is not explicitly about Ireland. By using images of chaos, disorder, and war, Yeats engaged in an understated commentary on the political situations in Ireland and abroad. Yeats active participation in Irish politics informed his poetry, and he used his work to further comment on the nationalist issues of his day. When compared to one of his earlier works, such as Lake Isle of Innisfree, even on the basis of topic, one can see that Yeats poetic career has evolved and flourished. A continuous use of such techniques of imagery and symbolism remain to be seen throughout Yeats work. However, the main development in his work can be said to be his development in theme and topic. This contemporary poem has many vivid images such as that of seas of blood and drowning, all in which reflect the aftershock effects of the war. Blood- dimmed tide and Ceremony of innocence is drowned. Yeats is picturing in this poem a society turned upside-down and headed toward self-destruction and chaos.(Website 1) In contrast to the romantic and lyrical poems of the early W.B. Yeats, through examination of the use of imagery only, this poem deals with a much more serious and universal issue; one of brutality and loss of life. A shape with lion body and the head of a man(The Second Coming) offers no sense of personification or love in which one could be drawn to, but instead one is repelled as one feels this creature coming closer to us, like death. This offers a contrast to Yeats early poetry as this is quite the opposite to that of a warming and lyrical poem. Unlike Lake Isle of Innisfree, the reader is not offered a sense of hope or escape; in this poem, a sense of doom lingers. As Yeats grew, as a poet and an individual, he acquired relationships with the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Irish National Theatre, Irish Literary Society, and indeed, Maud Gonne. Yeats evolved as a romantic poet and his focus was shifted from mythical odes to contemporary politics. This manifested a distinct political theme, as seen in The Second Coming, in Yeats poetry during this time in his writing career. It could certainly be said that the beautiful, Irish patriot and revolutionary Maud Gonne, was a key inspiration for Yeats early literary works. When Yeats met her for the first time in 1889, he fell in love with her immediately, but, unfortunately, she did not return his love. It could be suggested that because of his love for the politically active Maud Gonne, Yeats devoted his energy, in the early years of his career, to the Irish Revival and Irish Patriotism. Finally and most significantly, Yeats relationship with the changing nature of literature in the early twentieth century resulted in the development of Yeats as a modern writer. As a poet, he learned and incorporated modernist styles and conventions into his own poetry. Yeats was influenced by the modernist structure and form and their aggressive engagement with contemporary politics. Modernist poets challenged the previous literature traditions and they rejected the idea that poetry should be lyrical and admirable. Ultimately, modernist literature had a distinct influence on Yeats and his work and from examination of his poetry, his work from this period in his career can be described as edgier and more concise. A significant change overcame Yeats poetry as regards tone and style, but he never discarded the conventions of his earlier poetry. In conclusion, I think that a changing nature is evident in Yeats poetry, and I feel that this has made him become the highly admired and regarded poet that he is today. This unique aspect of Yeats poetry makes his literature interesting and enticing, and thus, Yeats is one of my favourite Irish writers. As I have explored in this essay, there are many possible reasons for this change in poetic nature but ultimately, in my opinion, life experience is truly the reason behind the metamorphosis of Yeats poetry. As with most of us, life became more and more complex for Yeats as he matured.   But the greater the obstacles he faced, and the more cruel and destructive the losses he suffered, so, in a miraculous way, grew Yeats imaginative power and his ability as a poet to give sublime expression to all that he experienced.   (Web 2)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysis Of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel Tourism Essay

Analysis Of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel Tourism Essay Executive Summary With the increase in concerns about the quality and effectiveness of service strategy using its marketing activities, this business report will try to analyze the Rockhampton Plaza Hotels marketing strategies using 7Ps Model. We have first discussed the background of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and the personal experience in the service encounter in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. After that, we have done 7Ps analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel by outlining the service product, promotion, place, pricing, people, processes and physical evidence critically. We also have done discussions which are based on relevant personal experience, applicable theoretical frameworks, and academicresearchers from academicians. Based on these discussions coming from the 7 Ps analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, we have tried to derive recommendations in four areas namely, price, people, promotion and physical evidence. The recommendations which have derived are:- 1) Pricing strategies of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should be more logical as well as flexible and a generic strategy should be formulated and a pricing strategy based on time of the day should be set up 2) Promotional strategy of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should be more contemporary so they should develop them more futuristic and develop B2b sales channel so that corporate bookings can be increased. 3) People strategy of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel needs to be more efficient and effective and recommendations are being done so that a broad range of trainings should be done. Employee focus should be increased within Rockhampton Plaza Hotel by both monetary as well as in reward and recognitions 4) Physical Evidence strategy should be done so as to make the interiors as well as exteriors more contemporary as well as appealing. Contents Introduction Service as a product is very much different from any tangible product. This uniqueness also makes marketing of services very much different for service product when compared to tangible products. When we compare 7Ps marketing mix of service product with 4Ps for tangible products which contains product, price, place, people, Promotions processes and physical evidence (Beaver Harris 2010, pp.109-19). In this business report, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, which is a famous hotel in Queensland, Australia is chosen for being analyzed using 7Ps marketing mix model. The selection of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is important because of multiple reasons namely, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel as a service provider which gives all kinds of hospitality services like accommodation, entertainment etc. ; secondly, since, it is a famous hotel sufficient information can be found for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel using both secondary and primary sources about its business, services, operations as well as management practices; lastly, personal experiences have also taken place in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel of availing multiple services which will make the analysis more easy and convenient based on those personal experience. Using the above information, this business report will try and use this 7 P marketing mix analysis as a tool to analyses Rockhampton Plaza Hotel practices and offer possible features of advice for Rock hampton Plaza Hotel. This business report has been built upon brief history and background of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and personal experiences availed in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Then, we have conducted 7 P marketing analysis using different resources. Finally, recommendations are being made on multiple parameters of this 7 P marketing mix which is applied on Rockhampton Plaza Hotel (Blankson Stokes 2007, pp.49-61). Background ofRockhampton Plaza Hotel The background of Rockhampton plaza hotel will be discussed on this section as well as personal experiences of known people in this hotel. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is a 6 story hotel which has restaurant, bar, party facilities which are near Central Park and St  Josephs Cathedral. It has earned local fame and respect due to its service and hospitality on offer. This Hotel is big in size and offers multiple hospitality services for customers in a bouquet. It is a six stored hotel and average occupancy is approximate 75% (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Personal Experiences Our experience of staying in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel has been amazing. The first image of this hotel has been comfortable to live as well as giving quality of services which was very convenient as well as quick. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel offers diversified services and also consults tourists about the city and where to visit. Our personal experience is very good and the experience and attitude will help in making this business report based on 7Ps Marketing Mix model. 7Ps analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel The 7 P analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel includes the analysis of 7Ps of marketing mix, namely, Product, price, promotion, place, people, processes and physical evidence which are explained in the following sections- Analysis of Service Product Parameter It has been analyzed that service products of hospitality industry is very similar in nature, in which products and services which can be offered to customers so that Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can satisfy their wants like those of eating, entertainment, hosting, and other needs in their busy routines. For service product of hotels, which is an important part of hospitality industry contains diversified service portfolio for customers whichthey might not find with any other service providers when they get one quality service provider. This is an easily recognizable trend for hospitality industry in which global standards are being set for service delivery. For assessing the overall quality of hotels, diversification of services is highly needed (Brooksbank, Kirby Taylor 2009, pp.292-306). Based on these points and attaching the service product part of the hotel, the service which are being given by hotels fall in 3 different types:- 1) Accommodation services- Accommodation is the main business source of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel serves its customers with a range of services like reservation, valet parking, luggage movement, room service, laundry as well as other value added services. 2) Entertainment Services-The Customer needs multiple services in Entertainment range which can be found in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Here, customers can do other exercises like gym, swimming, playing indoor sports like Table tennis, Snooker and Squash. Customers can also enjoy Karaoke Nights as well as drinking in the bar or pub. They can also enjoy the coffee cup in cafeteria adjoining the restaurant. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel also gives various in room options to its customers like TV viewing, internet access using own smart devices or rent them for personal usage on Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. 3) Fine Dining as well as shopping services There are multiple fine dining restaurants present in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel where customers can enjoy multiple cuisine foods like Chinese, spicy, Traditional, continental, Korean as well as sea foods. Customers can also buy necessary items like packaged foods, edible drinks as well as other needed items from small market present in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Pricing Parameter Analysis In Hospitality Industry, Price is always not the decisive reason for customers to make their choice. They play definitely an important part which is taken in consideration by customers before taking any final decision. For hotels, pricing strategy is very complicated issue in itself and needs lots of deliberations before being finalized (Chain 2010, pp.8-51). This is because, it is difficult to take in consideration all the input received by customers in terms of feedback for all the diversified services Rockhampton Plaza Hotel offers. Also, since, most of the customers Rockhampton Plaza Hotel gets are either from touring agencies or booking websites, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel doesnt has the necessary bargaining power with its customer base which are essentially very big in size. We always need categorization for pricing strategies in service industry (Consuegra, MolinaEsteban 2007). When we take this analysis in consideration, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel needs categorization of their pric ing strategies. In terms of prices they should categories them for individual customers as well as for booking agents / Websites as well as group travellers. 1) For individual customers, the standard room costs individual 350 AUD per day and reservation 20 days ahead would mean 10% discount on this price. Also, the standard room will be priced for 100 AUD for six hours in day when it isoffered to those who need forrelaxation. Other detailed prices for service are- 2) Entertainment services Services rate for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is on higher side when compared with other peers by approximate 10-20%. When we take swimming pool and gym services for example.Usually the average price for 1 hour swimming pool charges is 100 AUD in this hotel and gym is of 50 AUD. 3) Food services Food Prices are same with those of restaurants which are self-operated in this hotel. However, if we use the room service, then extra charges will be applicable as per the timing of the call. For travel agents, Hotels give discounts to them which is dependent on the volume of customers in the long term contract or for one off destination. Normally, In Queensland, for a travel group which is lower than 15 people a 15% rebate is offered by hotel. If it is more than 15, then 25% discount is offered along with other bouquet of free services. Some hotels offer entertainment rebates, some do not (Deng and Dart, 2009, pp.725-42). Analysis of Promotion Parameter Promotional strategy for service industry is focused on achievement of two objectives- to get new customer to visit and use services, and to retain customers which are old by giving them loyalty programs. In terms of hospitality industry, they use a mix of promotional strategies which include advertising, word of mouth, referral programs as well as loyalty programs for their present customers. There are also discounts for referrals as well as special offers on off seasons where occupancy rate is very low (Booms Bitner 1981). When we see above activities and attach them with Rockhampton Plaza Hotel workings, the promotional activities can be classified in following way- 1) Advertising- Rockhampton Plaza Hotel uses different mediums for advertising, namely, printed advertisements in newspapers, magazines as well as in travelling journals along with circulating catalogues at leading travel agents offices. 2) Word of Mouth Strategy Rockhampton Plaza Hotel focuses more on word of mouth strategy for acquiring customers which is thetraditional practice in hospitality industry. You can find pamphlets and slogans everywhere in the hotel, enticing customers to tell to their peers, friends and relatives about Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and share them the experiences they had. They have a two pronged strategy for referrals. First they give coupons to people while checking out which can be used by anyone except those who have been given those coupons. These coupons can range from discount to free services. When these coupons are being used, then the referrer gets same coupon credited in his account which can be used by him in his next visit to the hotel. Hence, referrals can be useful to them also as well as their friends. 3) Sales Promotions Sales promotion of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can be seen as offering discounts for early bookings as well as for large travel agents/ online booking websites depending on the volume of customers. Also, discounts are offered to senior citizens who are more than 60 years of age in order to fulfill corporate social responsibility. 4) Customer Loyalty programs- The customer loyalty program run by Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is the major means to attract and retain loyal customer. His is achieved by multiple ways like 1) making class of customers depending on the amount spend by them in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and giving special benefits to those classes in form of discounts or complementary services. 2) Giving referral bonus to them as well as those which are being referred so as to retain old customers and attract new ones (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Place Parameter Analysis Place Parameter of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can be described as the place where hotels are placed, this is an important parameter but a static one as the decision is taken at the inception of hotel which cant be changed (Booms Bitner 1981). As we talk about Rockhampton Plaza Hotel which is located near Central Park in Queensland which is a prominent location. The most important commercial as well as tourist attractions are near way. Queensland attracts huge number of tourists visiting which also results in high occupancy ratings. People Service Parameter Analysis People management is the most important facet of services in hospitality industry since all services are important and directly delivered by people only. The quality of service providers can affect the customer satisfaction as well as discretionary spend of consumers with the service provider (Booms Bitner 1981). Employee Job satisfaction decides what is the level of customer satisfaction in hotel which stresses the importance of rational as well as effective human resource management for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and other similar service provider in hospitality industry. When we see the human resource management at Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, according to personal experiences, we can state following points:- 1) Recruitments, selection as well as new induction of joiners as employees. 2) Practical on the Job training for new as well as current employee 3) Fostering Rockhampton Plaza Hotel culture and teamwork into new employees. 4) Job Appraisal as well as reward and recognition scheme which include both fines as well as compensation depending on good behaviour as well as mistakes towards customers. 5) Relationship building between the Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and its employees. The Human resource responsibility in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel in terms of service contracts towards consumers includes following features:- 1) To help the consumers in an appropriate manner. This includes all of the possible help they can give to old as well as new customers of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2) The communication which is ongoing between customers and staff of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can help in collection of information about what are the changing needs and wants of hotel services and how can Rockhampton Plaza Hotel working towards providing complete customer satisfaction patterns (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Parameter Processes Analysis Processes are very important for any service giver in hospitality industry as they give ways in which these services are being given to consumers. When we talk about specific hotel industry, the processes of this industry include multiple interactions between the hotel entity as well as its consumers along with its staff. These facts help in service products as well as consumption patterns(Lovelock Wright 2002). The processes of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can be seen in multiple aspects like:- 1) Hotels and consumers This involves offering facilities by Rockhampton Plaza Hotel like information, consulting, food, accommodation, bar, in house entertainment, which can help customers as well as Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to assist their consumers. When we talk about customers, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is very keen on finding data about what is the attitude of customers and their satisfaction towards Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, hence Rockhampton Plaza Hotel works on getting feedback in terms of check out book to be filled at the checkout from Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2) Staffs and consumers Human resources always make direct contact with consumers and their involvement is the most important spoke in service quality. This includes the effort to make customers stay as comfortable as possible. Staff of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel works to delight customers by offering extra services which prove value of their money and help them effectively use the services of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel of which they are unaware. 3) Human Resources Rockhampton Plaza Hotel staff interaction includes involving them in design and adjustment of new services and related processes using periodic meetings with the management. This helps in finding star employees who are ready to take responsibilities as well as give effective and practical advice to them. Staff are also promoted to organize socializing among themselves so that their interpersonal relationships are strengthened resulting in higher work satisfaction (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Parameter Physical Evidence Analysis Physical evidence for intangible products like services is quite similar to tangible products. This includes environment, prices, communication as well as view the customer has as of locality (CengizYayla 2007). Physical evidence can be worked for the services offered by Rockhampton Plaza Hotel in following areas. 1) Physical Environment Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is a comfortable place to stay. The inside area, corridors, lobby all are fresh and novel in decoration. All furniture are polished and new. Since, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is quite near to central park, the view is quite fascinating and helps to leave a strong brand recall of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. 2) Tactics for communication with customers Customers have multiple options present in hotel or on phone about the services offered in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel as well as places to visit in Queensland. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel also has staff which is very experienced in handling customers. They give consultation to people depending on their needs and make friendly guides available for them for working(Copley 2004) Recommendations for Rockhampton plaza hotel We have done suitable analysis for 7Ps service Marketing Mix of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. In the next section, we have tried to come up with suitable recommendations. The recommendations are being offered in areas of price parameter, promotion parameter, people parameter as well as physical evidence parameter for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel Recommendation for Service Parameter Pricing Strategy When we talk about pricing parameter, the pricing strategy of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel needs to be tweaked in order to be more flexible in accordance with the market pricing. We have given below recommendations for them so that they can shift the focus of their pricing strategy Generic Pricing formula needs to be arrived for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel which can be cost based or competition based or consumer physique based. As we define the generic pricing for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, all of these should be strategically aligned and should make customer attract towards Rockhampton Plaza Hotel because of justified value for money ratio. Since current market conditions are more dynamic as the competition is heightened and Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is feeling the heat. They should shift prices according to the occupancy. In times where it is less occupancy, prices should shift down and when the tourist season is on full swing, they should increase the password so that they can gain the price advantage. This will not only simulate the customers to come to Rockhampton Plaza Hotel again and again but will also increase the average occupancy rate as empty rooms are worse than discounted prices (Jones 2008). Recommendation for Promotion Service Parameter Strategy On the same lines as of pricing strategy, the promotional strategy for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should also be updated as per the current needs of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Based on the analysis in previous sections, the recommendations for promotional parameter are:- They should increase collaboration with travel websites such as Groupon and offer lower prices to them; this will increase the occupancy rate as well as exposure of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to overseas customers and can build brand loyalty globally. They should also increase promotional activities there and give special incentives to promote the internet channel for selling and booking. 2) Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should also work with travel agencies to promote their brands. This will increase the cooperation level with them bringing in huge inflows of customers who opt for travel packages rather than booking themselves. This might include helping these travel agencies by telephonic advice to their customers seeking travel to Queensland and sending invitation letters to travel agencies to come and have a look at Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to promote it for their customers (James 2009). Recommendation for Service Parameter People Strategy Rockhampton Plaza Hotel has focused from its inception on its staff, but the focus is not equal on various parameters as well as comprehensive in totality. They should focus more on cross stream training as well as employee satisfaction about his work. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should make the employee training more wide range of content like behavioral training, communication as well as management skills for human resources under which they can understand the customers better and tread on different yet more satisfying paths for their future. 2) Also, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should focus on increasing employee satisfaction in their work lines. Since, customer satisfaction is dependent on satisfied employee working fully towards their cause. Hence employee satisfaction is very important for any hotel. They should increase both monetary as well as non-monetary rewards for its employees. Management of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should also show respect for the efforts of its employees towards their work and frequently survey their employees to identify potential problems their employees are facing and correct them if required (Grant 1998). Recommendation for Service Parameter Physical Evidence Strategy Regarding the Physical evidence strategy, they are located near central park which is an excellent location. The following recommendations are being given for better presentation inside the Rockhampton Plaza Hotel in terms of Physical evidence. They should keep changing their internal decoration so that customers whenever they come find a new Rockhampton Plaza Hotel waiting to serve them. It can be seasonal or based on occasions. Also, they should work towards better decoration in lobbies. The internal decoration is good but needs to be more contemporary in nature, hence requires a revamp (Borden 1984). Conclusion This report talks about the p analysis of marketing strategies of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, a hotel in Queensland, Australia, based on experiences and secondary research. Other than 7P Marketing Mix application for Rockhampton Hotel Strategy, 4 different areas of recommendations have been given in terms of price, promotion, people and physical evidence which are needed to be taken in consideration by management of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to tweak their strategy according to the needs of present and to prepare for the future. We have given recommendation in pricing, to be more flexible and seasonal in approach so that overall occupancy rates can be increased, in promotion, to target internet as a channel and tie up with group selling websites as well as travel agents to have higher exposure and awareness for its target markets, in people , to work towards creating a better environment for its employees and increase their satisfaction so that in turn they work towards better satisfaction of Rockhampton Plaza Hotels Customers, in physical evidence, to work towards making the interiors more contemporary as well as make it more flexible with changing festivities as per the local tradition

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Suriname :: essays research papers

In this essay I will compare and contrast the approaches and goals of Richard and Sally Price and S. Allen Counter and David Evens on the topic of Maroon arts of the Suriname. I will explain how they present their findings. And tell what I think they would say the most important discovery or confirmation is. After all of this is done I will do follow up art historical research in the same area. The main focus of my research would be why anyone would be interested in finding out more about this particular region?fs art. The calabash maroon arts would be the art form I would research (relying on the experiences of the authors), giving a brief description of the research I would undertake. I will provide information on how I got the much-needed information about this art form. Also stating if I talked to anyone and why. Lastly describing what questions I would want answered if any.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First, I would like to talk about the approach that Sally and Richard Price had when doing their research on the Maroon arts of Suriname. I believe the Price?fs approach was to answer what they called what is undoubtedly the most difficult, politically charged and hotly debated aspect of the study of these arts: their deep culture-historical roots. The Price?fs went to Suriname to do research on these archeological people to find out if these Maroon art works such as calabash bowls were truly African in origin, or if they have other sources that have provided an influence on them that is far beyond Africa. There was a re-emergence in the Maroon arts that?fs unexplainable to many scholars that have studied them. The Price?fs term this as a ?gunique balance of continuity-in-change?h. What this term means is, they feel there was a lack of documentation during these times and the arts where always around and there was no disappearing act. Counter and Evens went to Suriname find Africa. They believe that Africa and the Suriname Maroons have a direct connection other than being of African decent as far as the arts are concerned. I believe both the Price?fs and Counter and Evens had the same goals in mind, which was to find answers. To find out the unknown of these arts of the maroons, but their intentions were totally different. Like I stated earlier, Counter and Evens wanted to find Africa.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Benito Mussiolini :: essays research papers

Benito Mussolini, the Fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. He centralized all power in himself as the leader of the Fascist party and attempted to create an Italian empire, ultimately in alliance with Germany. The defeat of Italian arms in World War 2 brought an end to his imperial dream and led to his downfall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Benito had a miserable young life who then made his future adult life positive. He had hoped that WWI would lead to a collapse of society that would bring him to power. He knew that he needed to gain the Italians support and he introduced fascism. To the Italians it was a symbol of order and strength. It was a great number of people together, which was stronger then what it was in the previous years. He was also, to the Italians, the leader who would get them out of the Depression. Mussolini knew how to make the voting class forget about the strength they had. He also threatened to make Italy ungovernable through violence unless he was promoted the Prime Minister. Mussolini made Italy a strong fascist state that stood behind him. He knew how to use propaganda, he knew how to use the media to promote fascism and himself. Like Hitler, he used propaganda to gradually build himself up as a legend who was always right and could solve all of Italy’s problems. He took control of everything from who wrote in newspapers to what children learned in school. Mussolini made Italy dependent on him, like Hitler did with Germany. Anyone who didn't feel this way about him was killed. He had strong aggressive nationalism and made it a must have to be a good fascist.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Africa Since 1940

The colonization of the African nation has played an important part on the world and how blacks were treated. What they endured as a people, showed the high element of inequality and injustice brought on by a group of people on to another. This period in time brought a change in a nation rocked with pain and anguish. Intervention and invasion from other countries saw the decline in the wealth that Africa once possessed. The notion that Africans were uncivilized was the mindset of the Europeans as they made their presence known. What they did was to manipulate the minds of the African people to gain what they set out to attain. Their goal has always been to rob them of their livelihood, to destroy and steal what were rightly the Africans. Ignorance and defiance became the downfall of many, as they trusted the words of the whites. The destruction and atrocities that Africans faced was indicative of the cruel way in which European invaded the nation and took control in the name of colonization. Many books made note of the colonizing of the African nation. Three of those great books are: African Since 1940 The Past of the present by Frederick Cooper, The Nigerian Civil war by John de ST. Jorre and African Perspectives on Colonialism by A. ADU Boahen. However, of the three books Boahen provides more supplemental materials that support my thesis. The most important economic change that occurred in Africa was during the period 1880-1960. This period marked the colonization and the scramble for African colonies. Boahen writes â€Å"The first and the most important of the economic changes that had occurred in Africa by 1880 were the abolition and suppression of that most inhuman and abominable of all trading activities- namely, the slave trade-and its replacement by trade in natural products, which has become known in typical Euro- centric terms as legitimate trade† (Boahen pg. 1). Slave trade exemplified the harsh cruelty that Africans faced. They were sold into slavery and beaten and many die during that time. The middle passage journey of slaves that were sold across the world to work on plantations proved to be the worst journey in history. Slave trade only profited the European as slaves were an aspect of making money for their masters. Not only were the African people forced to leave most of the power countries’ economies weak and on the brink of collapse. They needed new ways to generated money which they did by overflowing Africa and retaining most of the Natural resource such as ivory, diamond, and gold. The scramble for Africa open door to a new way of thinking: the county did not just change economically but socially. According to Cooper by the 1700s the era in, â€Å"Pan- Africanist was at its highest point of mobilization in African political history†. (Cooper 24) . For the first time westerners such as Marcus Garvey from African decedent who was captives of slavery, began to challenge imperialism. They launch organizations: International African Service Bureau based out of London. Regional linkages were established between countries and hybrid culture was form. People of western African coast began referring to themselves as nations. Black influential understood the gravity of slavery and knew that the change has to begin with them. The 1880 was a better time period in Africa because Slavery was abolished and therefore, the old African country way of life have been abolish to some degree in that now people were no longer under bondage. These individuals were free to live a life in less fear and with a more renew sense of hope for the future. It was good that a new Africa was emerging because this means that individuals will be more incline to want to strive for a better life for themselves and their families and to make a better future for their children. Moreover, after the abolition of slavery the formation of legitimate trade means that individuals could have a source of gaining employment to help to support their family. Boahen mentioned that in the 1880 (African had become more deeply integrated into the capitalist world-economy than before, a development which the ensuing colonial system was to intensify,) which exemplify the fact that Africa was become more stabilize as an economy in of itself where job can be provided for its citizen. (Boahen pg 5). The economy development of Africa in the 1880 meant that the qualities of life for the people were going to improve over time. With the economy improving this would open up individual access to job opportunities. The invasion of European forces into Africa brought a division among the African people. Elements that were formulated such as governmental, educational and their religious system were imposed in a cruel manner as many Africans throughout that time in history were brutally harmed by the Europeans. This abuse was due to the fact Different language religion and other aspects of life were enforced by the Europeans colonization. So, with the abolishment of slavery individuals learn both the language of their ormer ruling countries and the original language of their ancestors through parents teaching of their children. Language plays a crucial part in an individual culture as it is the mean through which communication took place. Cooper mentioned that â€Å"At any one moment, Africa appears as a mixture of diverse languages and diverse culture; indeed, linguistically alone, it is the most varied continent on earth† (Cooper pg11). This mean linguistically speaking Africa came out of the slave trade become a more diverse country. This diversity is obvious in more than one language that which is spoken by individuals from the continent of Africa. The African people depended on their cultural languages to bind them together. This help them to confuse their colonizers in their intent and goal of enforcing slavery. African understood the importance of language and how they could use it to their advantage. Additionally, the 1880 was a period in which the Christian missionary was also experiencing dramatic change. The change in the Christian missionary mean that individuals where having a renew view of religion and how it should be practice. Boahen also mentioned that change in the religion in African societies resulted in stratification, which means that there were different groups of individuals in the African society; therefore, the further stratification of African societies into a relatively small Christian educated elite, particularly in western and southern Africa, and a large traditional and illiterate group† (Boahen, 17). So, it is obvious that as people were becoming more educated they were more able to view religion from a different perspective. The 1880 was also a period in which there was changing political trends that were towards a sense of greater centralization. Boahen mentioned that even though there was a change in some of the empires in terms of disintegration such as empires such as Asante and Oye empires some empires became even stronger (Boahen, 2008). So, there were the emerging of new empires such as the Sokoto empire and the Tukulor empire of Masina that were in much larger existence especially in certain area state as the century in West Africa begins to emerge. New political change in Africa was evident in Nigeria such as constitutional experimentation (Boahen, pg 12). So, the constitution help to lay out the foundation for how individuals in the new African, societies wanted to be treatment by their government in making sure those individuals in the societies was educate. So, with modernization there came a renew way of engaging in political activities as it will benefit the country of Africa. However the prosperity and flourishing of the countries of economy depended on the mobilization of African leaders yet this did not come forth. Cooper writes â€Å"The development effort of late colonial regimes never did provide the basis for a strong national economy; economies remained externally originated and the state’s economic power remained concentrated at the gate† (Cooper 5). He was also concern about where the blame for the wars lie cooper writes â€Å"By looking at the post-war era as a whole, one can begin to explain the succession of crises that colonial and postcolonial states faced, without getting into a sterile debate over whether a colonial legacy or the incompetence of African governments is to blame† (Cooper 6). The African nation had many crises to deal with mainly poverty that resulted from the war. Colonization of the African people drove them deeper into poverty many regions had to sell their labor. Cooper writes â€Å"In parts of African, colonization drove rural dwellers into deepening poverty, sometimes as a deliberate policy to create labor reserves where people had little alternative to selling their labor cheaply, sometimes as a result of actions which made difficult ecosystems worse† (21). Poverty is one of the worst elements of people’s lives and this epidemic led the African people to seek for help. War is the most dreaded and the resulting effect of break-down of laws and orders in a civilized society. The Nigerian civil war which is known as the â€Å"Biafra War† took place on July 16th 1967 to January 15th 1970, political conflict was caused by the attempted secession of the southern providence of Nigeria as the self-proclaimed republic of Biafra. The conflicts accrued when Great Britain invaded Africa and divided up the some of it colonies causing a great separation among the African people; where people in the north were Muslims and in the south were Christian. However due to the division it ended in economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tension among the various peoples of Nigeria. During the war millions died and many were displaced leaving the colony in a state of distress. Due to the war hunger and starvation arose in Biafra many young children died; soldiers were out raged and they decided to take matters into the own hands St. Jorre writes â€Å"hungry soldiers tried to hijack a food convoy, and he beat them to a pulp† (St. Jorre pg. 251) this provided the severity and level of starvation that was felt in Biafra that even those responsible for aintaining the law put their needs above the people. Starvation does not respect anyone and during this period it evident that hunger claimed many lives. The depth and continuance of the war resulted in more deaths as starvation continued and no help was evident. As the Biafra’s people would look for help from the western world it was eminent that something needed to be done. The starvation was not ending and if they could only receive a little help it could go a long way this could be attain by pricking the conscience of the western world. ST.  Jorre writes â€Å"By striking at the heart of the Western world’s moral conscience with the real threat of millions starving to death if the war continued, backed up the imagined one of genocide if they surrendered, they succeeded where all their other tactics intensive lobbying, signing the oil away repeated appeals to the religious, ideological and the political sensibilities of the outside world had failed† (ST. Jorre pg. 241). This sad way of life was the start of new recognition for other African countries that had to deal with the epidemic of starvation. ST. Jorre writes â€Å"The immediate benefits of such concern were useful enough, especially the money, the lobbying publicity and public support that followed each new starvation newspaper story or television film† (ST. Jorre pg. 242). Even in such distraught moment in history something good came of it as the Western nation would become aware of it and help to prevent an occurrence elsewhere. African people endured the worst life possible due to greed from their European colonizers. Their lands were invaded and lives were destroyed as many were taken as slaves to work on plantations to make money for them. What the Europeans did not only hurt the African people physically but emotionally too they have never recovered. This led to war on the Continent as poverty took over and the means of survival was as the height in the minds of all Africans. Many aspect of their lives were taken away their culture, their language and their believe were destroyed. The European brainwashed the African people and took over and kill many in the process.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Killing God in Code Geass

Observing Code Seas from a straightforward viewpoint will reveal what it Is generally perceived as. This show is highly rated In Japan, Just as It Is to anima viewers In other countries. Due to Its nature, a Japanese enamel, Code Seas contains plenty of fictional elements and comical scenarios. These can consist of Nightmare frames (palatable fighting robots for combat), superpowers, flying super-fortresses, or high school students who simplemindedly raise a personal rebellion force in Just a few weeks, or build an antimatter bomb in a lab located underneath a school.Despite the far-fetched fiction, each of these examples helps make Code Seas the masterpiece that it Is. It tells a great story which cannot be easily forgotten. If one were to dig deeper into the story Code Seas tells, they may find many more hidden in between the lines. Code Seas subtly makes remarks about modern worldviews throughout the entire series, using simple dialog, names of characters, or certain events as a f oothold. These include racial discrimination, forms of government, and religion.While each of these worldviews is referenced, religion is undoubtedly the cost prominent. Religious allusions in Code Seas are not derived from one belief, but many. Situations In the show can at times reflect mythology, such as Norse and Irish, as well was present-day religions like Hinduism and Catholicism. All of these religious beliefs being tied-in to certain characters and events in Code Seas may suggest that â€Å"overcoming God†, or surpassing religion, may lead to a world peace. What is the power of seas?A â€Å"seas† (realistically known as a gees in Irish mythology) is a supernatural curse, or perhaps a gift depending on how it is used. In Irish looker, a gels Is typically given to a man by a woman who usually ends up being a goddess or noble figure. Essentially, a gels Is a supernatural contract. If left unbroken, it can lead to good fortune, but if that pact is broken, the pers on with the gees could undergo tragic events or even death. In Code Seas, the main character, Lech, receives his seas from a mysterious woman who calls herself CO or C. C, making a fake name out of her initials.When she encounters Lech, [SSL :II] he is in a desperate situation and doesn't really care about what the contract Is, so he agrees o It solely to get out of his current uncovers situation. The terms of the contract are not revealed until much later [SEE 1 5], but unlike a literal gels, the contract Is not life- threatening. Instead, CO wants Lech to end her life because she is practically immortal due to the fact that she has the Code*. When given his seas, Lech is informed that if he makes eye contact with someone, he can make them do anything he wants them to do.The catch Is, he can only use It once per person. Lech uses his seas later In the show to command gods. If a human can control the will of god, then surely the said â€Å"god† Isn't one. Lech takes control o f the gods while at the Sword of Shaky. In Hinduism, Shaky means tether, the place where gods dwell, much like a version of Mount Olympus. In the show, the Sword of Shaky is an ancient place which is meant to be used as a means to destroy the gods. The title of the event of â€Å"destroying all gods† is known in Code Seas as the â€Å"Raglan ¶k Connection. *The Code is the other supernatural power in the series (hence Code Seas) and It grants the owner Immortality and Immunity to any form of seas. By **The gods in the show are made out to be the collective unconsciousness of every unman, living or dead. If they are destroyed, every human that has existed would be mentally merged together as one mind. As a result, the world would become stagnant and without a future. In Norse Mythology, Raglan ¶k is a war between gods that results in the deaths of the gods themselves. After this war, the earth is then flooded with water and then repopulated.This does not only mirror the n ame of the event, but it also mirrors the genocidal goals of the Holy Britannica Empire*. They want to create a new, purely Britannica world, where Britannic is the highest and only power. This would require getting rid of any different intelligent being, which would include the gods as mentioned before. Charles Uzi Britannic, the current Emperor and Locust's father (making Lech also of royalty**), travels to the Sword of Shaky to activate the Raglan ¶k Connection and fulfill that goal of surpassing god.There, he runs into Lech who is there to rescue CO from him***. Charles explains that this way Britannic can finally be superior, while at the same time, world peace would be achieved due to everyone being forced to think alike one another. Lech ejects this and here commands the gods to destroy his father and the Sword of Shaky itself. Even with multiple events that draw dies to mythology and religion, Code Seas doesn't stop there. Characters also play a part in upholding the impli ed worldview of surpassing god. Naturally, all of these characters are of Britannica origin. In the Code Seas setting, Britannic is a dominating world power and the only territory left resisting is parts of Japan (named Area 11 by the Holy Britannica Empire). **Even though Lech is a Britannica Prince, he despises Britannic and is the leader of a Orca to bring it down. He wants the world to be peaceful for his younger sister, Annually. This is because his mother was killed due to a power struggle when he was of a young age. ***Charles Uzi Britannic has taken CO because she possesses a Code. Two Codes are required to activate the Sword of Shaky and he already has one of them.Charles killed V, another mysterious person who gave him his seas, and thus inherited the Code from him. (The seas that Charles has allows him to alter memories of anyone he makes eye contact with. ) Euphemism lie Britannic is one of Emperor Charles daughters. Unlike him, she is kind-hearted and open-minded to eve ryone around her. Most importantly, she treats everyone with respect, even if they are not Britannica*. Euphemism firmly believes that a â€Å"problem must be changed from within† and considers Britain's elitist monarchy a problem.She tries to change this by creating a Specially Administrated Zone, in which all people are treated equally, whether they are Britannica or Japanese [SSL :EYE]. Because of this, she is praised by the remaining Japanese. She and Lech (they are half-brother and half-sister) are discussing Japan's future, which Lech entirely supports, and decides to reveal his seas to her. When explaining his power to make anyone obey any request, he Jokingly tells her that he could make her kill all the Japanese if he wanted to.His seas activates on accident, and she sets out to do just that**. The end result of this mess is Lech gloomily killing her in order to save the remaining Japanese. Euphemism was described as a martyr by the Japanese for the rest of the show. This relates to SST. Euphemism the Martyr, originating from She was tortured and mocked many times for this belief, and was eventually killed cause of it. *Those living in Area 11 who are not Britannica are Japanese. Because they are minority in Code Seas, Britannic discriminates against them and racially refers to them as Elevens. *elf a seas is heavily used, it evolves into an uncontrollable seas that stays continually activated. That is one of the risks of using this power and it is proven when he mistakenly commands Euphemism to kill all the Japanese. Emperor Charles upholds the idea of killing god because throughout the series, he is presented as such. As mentioned before, he too has a seas. He can alter memories f anybody he makes eye contact with. Because of this, Charles has superior power naturally and supernaturally, making him practically untouchable by anyone.He demonstrates this godlike power when giving speeches and receiving unrelenting admiration and obedience from all of the lords, barons, and dukes that serves him. When at the Sword of Shaky, Lech commands the gods to destroy him and the Sword of Shaky, as mentioned before. Somebody managing to defeat Emperor Charles demonstrates the recurring theme of killing god. Another character that has godlike status is Schnitzel el Britannic. He is the son of Emperor Charles and is given the role of Commander of the Royal Army. He appears largely in the second season and heavily impedes Locust's goals.Prince Schnitzel commands the Damocles (a flying castle/warship) that is armed with FLEA antimatter warheads. He can completely erase any area on the surface of the Earth by merely saying he wants it gone. During an aerial battle Lech manages to break through the Damocles defenses and board it. There, he corners Schnitzel and commands him with his seas to serve the Black Knights*. This action is yet another instance of â€Å"dethroning god† that appears in Code Seas. After defeating/killing off th e highest members of the throne, Lech makes himself the Emperor of Britannic [SO:EYE].This also makes Lech himself a kind of god. As emperor, Lech manipulates Britannic as well as the Black Knights (the rebellion force that Lech created with the alter ego of Zero) to despise him. He orders the execution of the members of the Black Knights and the Britannica leaders for their â€Å"crimes,† causing an outrage. A public execution ceremony is held, and all citizens are forced to attend. Lech comes riding in on a military vehicle in all of his loyal â€Å"splendor† Just to make everyone there (Britannic and Japanese) have even more of the same mindset: anger solely directed at him.When Lech is about to give the final order of execution, Zero* sprints up Locust's vehicle and stabs him in the chest, killing him. The prisoners are released, and the show ends with everyone living in united peace, which was Locust's ultimate goal from the start. As of now, all the â€Å"godsâ €  that have appeared throughout the entire show have been killed, and the world is at peace. Due to the fact that the religious ties mentioned are not mentioned even once in the show, only implied, leads me to believe that Code Seas suggests overcoming religion can lead to a greater world peace. When Lech created the Black Knights, he rallied people together as a masked man in a cloak who called himself Zero. Obviously because he had a supernatural ability and was planning a that he was. As the Black Knights became increasingly active, their leader, Zero, was regarded as a terrorist among Britannic, but a hero for the Japanese. When Lech was emperor as mentioned above, none of the Britannic or Japanese knew that he was also Zero. Lech knew his death would now bring a world peace, so he had his best friend and Britannica honorary guard, Suzuki Surging, pose as Zero and kill him.